Jacob Quick
October 2018
Name: Jacob Quick Age: 26
Number of Years Skating: About 5 years
Stance: Regular degular
Favorite Pro: Nora Vasconcellos
Favorite Part of Modern: Fly box
Favorite Food: Fried chicken and steak
Favorite Local Skater: Scott Lockard
Favorite Skateboard Trick: Varial flip

Jim Gross
September 2018
Name: Jim Gross Age: 31
Number of Years Skating: 16 years
Stance: Goofy
Favorite Pro: Andrew Reynolds
Favorite Part of Modern: Euro ramp w/ rail. Learn a lot of tricks on that thing. Taught me how to skate fast.
Favorite Food: Whole Foods salad bar
Favorite Modern employee: All the homies

Elliott Payne
August 2018
Name: Elliott Payne Age: 13
Number of Years Skating: 7 years
Favorite Pro: Dave Bachinsky
Favorite Part of Modern: The fly out quarter pipe
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Modern employee: George, Shane, and Lennon

Keviyan Richardson
July 2018
Name: Keviyan Richardson Age: 21
Number of Years Skating: 15
Favorite Pro: Rodney Mullen
Favorite Part of Modern: The water fountain (been keeping me hydrated since 8th grade)
Favorite Trick: Lazerflip
Favorite Modern employee: Izzy, Zac, Shane, George, Hank, Eric
Fun Fact: Love baking chocolate chip cookies

Matt Boynton
June 2018
Name: Matt Boynton Age: 38
Number of Years Skating: Got my first legit board when I was 15. Alien workshop spectrum board w/ Independent trucks.
Stance: Regular
Favorite Pro: Rodney Mullen
Favorite Part of Modern: No egos
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Modern employee: George and the whole squad!

Phil Stone
May 2018
Name: Phil Stone Age: 43
Number of Years Skating: 33 give or take a few
Stance: Goofy
Favorite Pro: Rob Roskopp
Favorite Part of Modern: Checking in
Favorite Food: Beer
Favorite Modern employee: Hank!

April 2018
Name: Rusty Age: 27
Number of Years Skating: Since 1999
Stance: Regular
Favorite Pro: Chris Cole
Favorite Part of Modern: The 6 foot half pipe
Favorite Food: Deep fried yellow squash with corn meal
Favorite Modern employee: Zac

Donovan Wood
March 2018
Name: Donovan Wood Age: 13
Number of Years Skating: 2 years
Stance: Goofy
Favorite Pro: Figgy
Favorite Part of Modern: A-Frame
Favorite Band: Black Sabbath
Favorite Modern employee: Shane

Micah Wilson-Welsh
February 2018
Name: Micah Wilson-Welsh Age: 11
Number of Years Skating: 6 years
Stance: Goofy
Favorite Pro: Chris Cole
Favorite Part of Modern: Mini Ramp
Favorite Band: Gucci Mane
Favorite Modern employee: Lennon

Charlie Papasian
January 2018
Name: Charlie Papasian Age: 6
Number of Years Skating: 2 years
Stance: Goofy
Favorite Pro: Ryan Sheckler
Favorite Part of Modern: Mini ramp because I can do blunts
Favorite Band: Manchester orchestra... or Tool
Favorite Modern employee: Levi, Lennon, George, Shane, and Eric.

Elliott Szacon
May 2017
Name: Elliott Szacon Age: 16 this month
Number of Years Skating: 9 years
Favorite Pro: Luan Oliveira
Favorite Part of Modern: manual pad/box
Instagram: @swanky_elliott
Favorite Food: buffalo wings
Favorite Modern employee: all of 'em!
Elliott has been coming to the park with his brother for 6 years. He is a founding member of the local grom crew, The Swanky Squad. He is a flat ground wizard and can do a bunch of weird flip tricks. Elliott and his family will soon be moving out of the area. We will miss them but wish them the best in their new spot.

Ella Hyatt
June 2017
Name: Ella Hyatt Age: 10
Number of Years Skating: 1 year
Favorite Pro: Brighton Zeuner
Favorite Part of Modern: The entire park
Instagram: @swanky_ella_hyatt
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Modern employee: Matt Reschke

Rob Hart
July 2017
Name: Rob Hart Age: 21
Number of Years Skating: 10 years
Favorite Pro: Grant Taylor!
Favorite Part of Modern: All of it! You have to love the whole park!
Instagram: @_ogrobbyjohnson
Favorite Food: My dad's tacos
Favorite Modern employee: George!

Gabe Nikora
August 2017
Name: Gabe Nikora Age: 12
Number of Years Skating: 6 years
Favorite Pro: Grant Taylor
Favorite Part of Modern: The park...
Instagram: @gabeniko
Favorite Food: Pizza!
Favorite Modern employee: Matt, Lennon, and Dan

Ben Persinger
September 2017
Name: Ben PersingerAge: 17
Number of Years Skating: Skating for 9.5 years
Favorite Pro: Sebo Walker
Favorite Part of Modern: Big Euro
Instagram: @benjaminpersinger
Favorite Food: Pizza!
Favorite Modern employee: Dixon

Rob George
October 2017
Name: Rob GeorgeAge: 20
Number of Years Skating: 12
Favorite Pro: Sewa Kroetkov
Favorite Part of Modern: I really like the flat ground area but the whole park is great!
Instagram: @not_robgeorge
Favorite Food: Grilled chicken, bacon and ranch hani minus tomatoes
Favorite Modern employee: Shane and Eric

Brandon Pearce
November 2017
Name: Brandon PearceAge: 22
Number of Years Skating: 8 years
Favorite Pro: Chris Cole, Daewon Song, Luan Olivera, Nyjah Huston, and Ryan Sheckler.
Favorite Part of Modern: The homies
Favorite Food: Seafood and pizza
Favorite Modern employee: Lennon, Shane, Kirk, Eric, Matt, Zac, + Izzy.